Our collaborating partners

Syntec Recrutement

We know how important it is to carefully monitor developments in the recruitment market as well as recruiters’ needs. That’s why AD-RH works closely with Syntec Recrutement, an organization which brings together over 150 recruitment consultancy firms.


Robopost (Multiposter)

AD-Men offers you an interface with the multiposter Robopost. This gives you access to a simple system for posting adverts directly in your database.


Corporama (Information provider)

AD-RH and Corporama have teamed up to help you obtain real-time information, structure your marketing intelligence, create lists of prospects and more, directly from AD-Men using information provided by Corporama.


IMA’DIFF (Partenaire cloud)

In order to allow you to connect to your database remotely, AD-Men has developed a partnership with IMA’DIFF, a distributor, developer and hosting service provider for Internet, Intranet and Extranet solutions.


Verifdiploma (Information provider)

AD-RH and Verifdiploma have partnered together to provide you with an accurate way of verifying your candidates’ diplomas, whether obtained in France or abroad, directly using our AD-Men tool.


E-Testing (Online testing service provider)

E-Testing, a solution for online assessments of technical skills, offers over 250 tests (Excel, Word, spelling, English, other languages, abilities, finances, IT, etc.), to help you choose the right candidate based on objective criteria.
