AD-Men simplifies your candidate management
With Ad-Men you can create a complete candidate pool and organise it in a personalized candidate database. A database built on a powerful, highly precise research engine.

Your personalised CV library
- Use CV recognition to Integrate all your candidates in AD-Men.
- Follow your contacts’ career advancement
- Keep a record of all your communication with your contacts
- Code your candidates precisely (position, sector, specialism, mobility, availability etc.)
- Send e-mails from AD-Men to one or several recipients and track them in your database
- Use the link with the Office Windows Package (synchronise your appointments with Outlook, link between AD-Men and Word/Excel etc.)
A powerful search module
- Source your candidates in AD-Men using a powerful search engine (by criteria or keyword)
- Use the cross-searching feature for input fields
- Perform queries on candidate records, CVs and other documents as well as your own notes
- Find out who works or has worked in a target company or the group it belongs to, simply by opening the company record
- The multi-entry system allows you to find the information you need, precisely and effectively
- Record your queries for later use

In addition to information about your potential candidates’ career history, AD-Men also allows you to save their contact information (telephone number, email address etc.) and most importantly, your conversations and remarks following a qualification interview for example.
You can also visualise people’s contacts, as on social media sites: “has worked with,” “is recommended by”
Choose AD-Men candidate management.